Chair @ Chair, CRUFAOCI
Professor Tidou Abiba Sanogo is chair for the Conference of Rectors of Francophone Universities in Africa and the Indian Ocean (CRUFAOCI). She is also the President of the Jean Lorougnon Guédé University in Daloa in Côte d’Ivoire. This Professor is a specialist in issues of Ecotoxicology and environmental sciences.
When she was the Vice-President West Africa in the outgoing office, she was acclaimed by her peers thanks to her positive assessment on which they want to base CRUFAOCI.
Tidou Abiba Sanogo presided over the Jean Lorougon Guede University in Daloa since 2014. She likes scientific associations. She is described as very ambitious, self-motivated, organized, efficient and sensitive. Prof has for a long time been the President of the Association of Women Researchers of Côte d’Ivoire.
On the corporate side, she served as director of international cooperation at the Ministry of Higher Education in the country of Houphouët-Boigny.